the ones during VN war seemed to almost be the size of an F-104 Starfighter! I'm guessing that was as a result of the need to do round-trips from Guam Andersen AFB to Hanoi and back, without any tanker support needed. They also seemed to use a much larger exterior fuel tanks than on newer units. This added large bomb racks on the two wing pylons, and probably other internal bomb bay modifications too. Another feature unique to the era, was the 'Big Belly conversion', which enabled more of the smaller conventional bombs, 500lb and 750lb bombs to be carried in large numbers for 'carpet bombing' techniques. They also don't have the chin or nose sensors, so the side profile at the front is much more graceful looking. These older units feature a very tall tail, which got clipped shorter in later variants. So these are the earlier 'D' variant, compared to the H in the DCS AI. Here's a typical VN era B-52D configuration: Thank you Dragon, that's what I was going off memory!